Chapter Text
Steve woke to the gentle caress of sunlight filtering through the window above the bed and the unfamiliar scents of the cottage. But the momentary unease quickly gave way to reassurance, when his sleepy brain registered one of Billy’s arms under him, while the other lay heavy across his side, enveloping Steve in a secure embrace. Billy’s fragrant blend of ripe cherry and sumptuous chocolate he noticed next, the mouthwatering combination enough to make Steve squirm as he came fully awake. But any thoughts he had of turning over were disrupted by Billy’s arms tightening around his middle.
With a sigh, Steve gave up on moving and he lay there for some time, not trying to sleep but not bothered to get up either. Every now and then Billy’s arms would shift or tighten, creating a soft rustling sound as their skin rubbed together. Soothing. Rhythmic. Trapped as he was, Steve was content to let himself get lost in it.
Or he would have been, if Billy’s scent wasn’t so damned distracting. As the minutes ticked past, he found it harder and harder to ignore. Saliva pooled in Steve’s mouth as he pictured himself enjoying the delicate little chocolates he so loved, biting down on a cherry filled little nugget between his lips, until the flavors of sweet sticky cordial slid over his tongue. His stomach clenched with longing. But it wasn’t for that particular delicacy, he was sure, but rather for the alpha whose scent he was certain had been concocted by witches. Suddenly the sheets on the bed and the blanket that covered them seemed unbearably hot.
Steve whined, squirming some more in his discomfort and bit into his bottom lip.
It is not the blankets fault it is you! He chastised himself. He was in heat. Something he’d always known was a possibility once the alpha claimed him, and nothing to be ashamed of, and yet...
A pang of guilt tugged at his chest as he remembered the passionate night he and Billy had just spent together, and how he had selfishly demanded more, and more, from Billy's exhausted body. How many times had Billy filled him? He’d lost count. How little sleep must Billy have gotten?
Steve ought to take better care of his mate. Omegas didn’t always go into heat after a bonding bite, so surely it was just a matter of will power? Billy had worked so hard after all to give him the perfect wedding, the least Steve could give him was some sleep for pity’s sake. But maybe he would turn over a little? Just to admire him.
He wasn’t quite able to manage a full turn but Steve wriggled until he could see the alpha, and felt his heart swell with warmth. Billy was so beautiful. And this was perfect: the soft rise and fall of Billy's chest against his side. The messy way the alpha’s hair fell across his peacefully sleeping face was almost unbearably sweet.
Only the most selfish monster would consider waking him up.
Steve squirmed.
The trouble was, there was an uncomfortable ache of emptiness that just kept building inside him, begging for release. It was beyond bothersome now and bordering on painful.
Just when Steve was in danger of biting though his lip just to hold in a whine of distress, Billy's husky voice rumbled softly in his ear, woken from his slumber by the changes in his omega’s scent and his restless movements.
Damn it ! Steve huffed.
“I was trying not to wake you.”
Billy frowned. Ignoring what Steve had said altogether he asked, bluntly, “Does it hurt?”
Steve wanted to play it off, but something in the alpha’s tone made it impossible to be anything but honest.
“Yes.” He admitted, glumly, still angry with himself for not being stronger.
“Come here.” Billy said, although he didn’t really give Steve much choice about it as he dragged the omega up against his chest. With a sigh of relief Steve tilted his head back against Billy’s muscled shoulder. He sunk into the feeling of soothing warmth shivering through his body where they touched, chasing away the horrible ache. He knew it wouldn’t last forever, but for the moment Steve was at peace and he needed nothing in the world like he needed this.
It was strange, but he thought he could hear the faint sound of Billy's heart beating, steady and reassuring. Although he shouldn’t from this position, should he? Not unless it was beating hard and unusually fast, but Billy was calm.
It’s the bond , Steve realized with a sudden start. It was hard to explain even to himself, but it sounded like it was coming from inside rather than out. Like hearing himself swallow. When he concentrated, it started to feel like he had two hearts beating in his chest. But he didn’t. There was just his heart, and the sweet echo of Billy’s - and Steve couldn't help but marvel at the phenomenon with a small, content smile.
“You hear that?” Billy asked behind him, hesitant and searching for confirmation. Fear trickled through his scent, which might have made Steve wonder, if he wasn’t also feeling the whispers of anxiety twisting at the alpha’s heartstrings in his chest like they were his own. Billy’s arms loosened as he pulled away, but Steve understood that it wasn’t a rejection. Not of him. Only discomfort with the strange and new.
"It’s like a private symphony." Steve replied, turning to meet Billy's gaze with unspoken affection. “It goes away when you tune it out.”
Billy's gaze lingered on Steve, absorbing the emotion reflected back at him. They lay in silence, listening to heartbeats and something else that only they could hear. The ebb and flow of their feelings across the bond was like melody, pulsing in tune with each beat of their hearts. It was a moment of such pure connection… Steve wasn’t surprised at the wetness that gathered in the corner of Billy’s eyes. It had only been a few minutes but somehow it felt like they’d been connected this way their entire lives.
I’d like a lifetime or more. Steve thought, and he felt the answering swell of something warm and bright deep within Billy, before the alpha withdrew. He blinked his eyes clear and fixed his expression into a far more confident smirk.
"You smell like you’re ready for another round." Billy deflected, actually going so far as to sniff at the air like a bloodhound searching for a fox. Steve wrinkled his nose in distaste. Nobody wanted to be sniffed at like an over-ripe cheese.
But he slid his arms around Billy and pulled the alpha closer because, now that the alpha had burst their peaceful bubble, that blasted ache was back and he needed Billy to fill it.
“More than ready," he grumbled, kissing Billy’s grinning mouth.
Billy melted into Steve's kiss, the omega's soft lips and eager tongue chasing away the lingering discomfort from the strange new connection between them. Trying not to think on it any more, he pulled Steve flush against his body, reveling in the heat that radiated from his mate's skin. Steve's scent intensified with arousal, making Billy's head spin with desire.
He rolled them over, pressing Steve into the mattress as he deepened the kiss. Steve's fingers tangled in Billy’s hair, tugging lightly at the golden strands in a way that sent shivers down Billy's spine. Breaking the kiss, Billy trailed his lips along Steve's jawline, nipping and sucking at his neck. He avoided the site of the bite, still red and bruised and no doubt sensitive.
But Steve didn’t flinch away or show any fear. He tilted his head back, exposing more of his throat in a gesture of trust and submission that made Billy’s insides soar and his whole-body ache.
"You're insatiable," her murmured against Steve's throat, his voice rough with desire. "I love it."
Billy loved him . So much.
Steve's answering moan sent a bolt of heat straight to Billy's core and had his cock twitching. The omega arched into his touch, his body pliant and eager. Billy's hands found their way back to Steve's hips, gripping them tightly. Possessive.
"Mine," he growled against Steve's skin, his voice rough with need. "All mine."
"Yes Alpha," Steve breathed, his legs falling open in invitation. "Hurry."
Billy settled between Steve's thighs, the heat of his mate's body burning against his, spreading the fire in the omega’s blood to his. Fuck . It was intense. Billy had never experienced an omega’s heat like this. Inside as well as out, their desire creating an endless loop. The strength of it was like a tide breaking over him and dragging him out to sea.
Trying desperately to ground himself in the physical, what he could see with his own eyes and feel with his own hands, Billy moved his hands over Steve’s hips and between his thighs. Slick wetness had already gathered between Steve's legs. With a low groan, Billy positioned himself and slowly pushed inside, the tight warmth of the omega’s body enveloping him in a familiar embrace.
“Oh yes,” Steve sighed, drawn out, like just having Billy’s cock inside him was medicine for every ache and pain, and Billy smiled wide. Wider when he pulled out and pushed back in, and a little gasp slipped from between Steve’s lips.
“That what you needed, Dove?”
Billy's thrusts were slow and deep, each one sending waves of pleasure rippling through Steve's body. The omega fisted his hands in the sheets below them, twisting them up more with each roll of the alpha’s hips.
“Yes.” Steve nodded, already a little hazy in the eye, lids lowering like he was being lulled to sleep instead of fucked. “Oh yes…”
God he was gorgeous. Always so damn pretty, but especially with his mouth all slack like that, panting like a hound thirsty for water.
Billy kissed him hard - had to with a mouth that pretty on him - and the bed frame groaned. The wooden slats creaked, bending and bouncing as he worked his hips faster. The slap of skin against skin filled the room, along with their mingled moans of pleasure.
Being inside Steve was always good - how could it not be? But the bond made everything more intense. Too intense sometimes. It was almost painful, and yet despite himself Billy couldn't get enough of it. He pushed deeper, his cock throbbing inside Steve not just chasing the feeling of Steve’s walls clenching around him, but the bursts of pleasure that echoed over the bond each time he nailed that sweet spot inside of the omega.
Every thrust, punched at Billy’s senses, driving him higher. He felt his balls tighten, dangerously close to release and slowed. He wasn't done with his mate just yet. Not nearly.
He pulled out suddenly, and Steve’s eyes flew open in betrayal.
“No. What are you-”
"Shh, shh," Billy soothed, pressing a kiss to his mouth to silence him, groaning a little when Steve pushed up into it, his arms coming around Billy to pull him in.
"You’re gonna like this, Dove. Promise. Now lay back ." Billy commanded, pulling back. Steve fell back like a puppet with its strings cut and scowled petulantly up at Billy.
Smiling at the evidence of just how much the omega couldn’t resist him, Billy reached under Steve’s legs and lifted them up, hooking his arms under Steve’s knees as he repositioned himself between his legs again.
“We’ve come a long way from you telling me to go to hell, haven’t we sweetheart?” Billy teased, slowly easing back into the omega's tight heat.
"Mhmm, go to hell." Steve moaned lowly, but he arched his back off the bed and Billy chuckled.
“I think you like me giving you a hard time.” he said with a sly grin, pulling out and then pushing back in. The leverage was just right to nail that special spot inside that had Steve clenching up and gasping on every thrust.
"God. Yes, harder ... would be lovely." Steve gasped out, writhing beneath him. "If you’d be so kind."
Billy chuckled and snapped his hips flush up against Steve’s backside, driving the breath from the omega’s lungs and making himself dizzy. Shit. That was so good, he nearly whimpered with it. He began to move in earnest, setting a fast pace from the start this time, each thrust hitting that sweet spot inside Steve perfectly.
Under him Steve was lost to the sensation, his teeth bit down on his plump lower lip as he groaned, hands abandoning their grip on the sheets to reach up in search of something. Flailing. Falling back, finding the pillow under his head and grasping for dear life.
Billy leaned down until they were nose to nose, their breaths coming out in pants and moans. He felt his knot begin to swell, catching with each thrust. The stretch burned deliciously, the promise of being locked together, connected in the most primal way, sent Steve spiraling higher. The omega went wild under him, neck bent all the way back, back arched helplessly in an effort to urge Billy deeper.
"Alpha!" Steve whimpered, his voice breaking on a particularly hard thrust. "Need your knot, need you needyouneedyou..."
Billy growled, his thrusts becoming more erratic. Head swimming, he captured Steve's lips in a searing kiss, swallowing the omega's cries momentarily before the siren call of his scent became too much and he lunged for his bonding gland.
Billy bit down over the healing claim bite as he pushed his swollen knot inside and locked them together. Steve screamed as Billy's release pulsed hot and deep inside of him, triggering his own climax.
“Dear God, Jesus, Mary, Joseph and all the saints…” Steve moaned as Billy slumped over him, exhausted.
“Didn’t know you were catholic.” he chuckled through his labored breathing.
He found himself laughing harder as Steve panted in answer. “Neither did I.”
As Billy devolved into helpless laughter, Steve’s joy bubbled inside him as the omega joined him. After carefully shifting into a slightly more comfortable position, they spent the remainder of the time they were locked together giggling like schoolboys.
Billy thought to himself that it had never been this easy before. Not even with Anthony. Especially not Anthony, who had always liked to laugh a little more at Billy’s expense than his own.
He’d been so gone for him he’d barely noticed at the time. Convinced himself that every smirk and pointed comment was just what he should expect, trying to impress a fine belle with his rough and grubby ways.
But now there was Steve, who talked tough but melted when Billy touched him, and made dirty jokes about nuns after Billy tried to get a rise out of him likening laying together to a religious experience. Now there was Steve, and everything just felt easy, even though the wolves still howled outside his door. Billy couldn’t be blamed for wanting to hold onto that as long as he could.
They did not leave the bed for another two days while the bonding fever held them. In-between rutting together, bouts of sleep, and scarfing down what food was left outside their door, they lay together talking and laughing.
And it was the lightest Billy had ever felt.
Three mornings later, the sun once again filtered through the gauzy curtains covering the bedroom window, casting its warm golden light onto the floorboards and the tousled sheets where Billy and Steve slept. Stirring from his slumber, Billy stretched his stiff limbs and cast a glance toward the window.
The past few days had melded into a haze of fever, Steve’s heated scent pushing the outside world to a barely remembered thought. But it was mellowed now, the heat receded, and with it came the hunger pains as Billy’s stomach complained about their irregular eating.
Reluctantly, he extricated himself from the bed, taking care not to disturb Steve. The omega lay sprawled on his stomach, his fluffy hair rucked up from their lovemaking. The last round had been more vigorous than all the others, almost like he knew that the heat was breaking and it was his last shot for the alpha to put a baby in him.
Omegas were really something else.
Predictably, Billy’s cock had stiffened with interest at the memory but he ignored it in favor of picturing Steve in a few months' time, when he might be heavy with his pups. Litters weren’t as common as they once were, but he wouldn’t be surprised at it either. The mortality rate for infants was still high enough that omegas having multiples hadn’t died out – if they ever would. Being good breeders was their advantage over betas after all.
It wouldn’t surprise Billy one bit if he’d knocked his mate up with triplets , the way that demanding little dove had kept after his knot.
He grinned like a fool as he retrieved his discarded pants from the floor and stepped into them.
“Don’t know what you’re so damned smug about. Your sorry ass can’t afford one baby, never mind several.” He chastised himself. He glanced at the bed to make sure that the noise hadn’t disturbed Steve, before leaving quietly and making his way downstairs.
The cold water from the well outside felt refreshing as he splashed some on his face, wiping it clean from days of sweating. He hauled two buckets inside to heat up and fill the copper tub. Steve did love his bathes, and even Billy would appreciate not having to sit in his own stink after all their sweating and heaving. On his way back inside, he grabbed up the basket waiting near the door —the mild scent of lavender soap clinging to it hinting that it had been left by the beta landlady’s daughter Emily rather than the woman herself.
After he was finished filling the big iron kettle with water and setting it on the wood stove in the kitchen, Billy lifted the still-warm bread, fruits, and cheese from the basket, and laid them out on a large plate, thinking to himself about the apple dumplings Steve never got to make and that first disastrous pie.
God sure knew what he was doing, making that one pretty and rich, ‘cause he sure can't cook worth a damn. Billy thought with a chuckle. But nine months was plenty of time to master a few simple recipes, and the pup wouldn’t be off milk for the first year anyway.
Hell. Billy scowled when he realized the bend his thoughts had taken again. Y ou ought to be praying to god he isn’t carrying right now, and the minute he’s sure he’s not carrying, you’re gonna get some of that witch brew Heather gives her girls to keep them from catching and be grateful one of you has some sense.
But there was no point to going back and forth in his head about it was there? It was in god’s hands now, and Billy sure did hope the almighty had more sense than he did as he started imagining the hard road ahead if Steve were expecting, only to end up chuckling when he remembered how much Max had said she'd love having a sister.
Lordy, if it were a boy they’d never have another moments peace between him and Max fussing at each other.
We can’t afford one. But if you’re thinking this is a fine time for one of your ‘tests’, show us all a little mercy and let it be a girl.
Whistling, Billy returned to the bedroom, sitting on the edge of the bed and giving his sleeping omega a gentle shake on the shoulder. "Wake up, Darlin. I found us some grub."
Slowly, Steve opened his eyes. He was greeted by the sight of Billy's rugged features softened by the morning light. A part of him wanted to cling to the cocoon of warmth under the cozy blankets, but the alpha anticipated this and waved the plate temptingly under his nose.
The scent of warm yeasty bread filled Steve’s nostrils - a rich and comforting aroma that reminded him of joyful gatherings. Mrs. Abernathy had a talent in the kitchen that Steve could only fully appreciate now that his head was clear enough to admire the golden crust on the loaf of freshly baked bread. The texture looked soft and pillowy, with flecks of browned crust scattered throughout. The smell of it alone had his mouth watering and stomach twisting with hunger. It was time to get up.
"Thank you," he murmured as he pushed himself upright. He ran a hand through his disheveled hair, wincing at the twinge in his neck. Claiming bites were not so deep as to be dangerous, but they did scar and Billy had been at his neck more often during the last couple of days than a vampire in a gothic novel.
“How’s she looking?” The alpha inquired, tilting Steve’s head by the chin and leaning closer to inspect the bruising on his hroat. The punctures had already closed, but the area was still angry looking.
“Like I should be calling you Count Hargrove.” Steve groused, gratified when the alpha grinned at him, amused.
“Don’t you mean Count Harringrove?”
“No.” Steve replied, short. “I would never sully our shared name by attaching it to your astonishingly lustful ways.” he teased. “And with the number of times you’ve seen fit to remind me of it, I’m coming dangerously close to thinking you enjoy being married to me Alpha.”
Billy shrugged, releasing Steve now that he’d seen for himself that the omega was healing as expected.
“It’s not all bad.” Billy begrudgingly admitted and Steve rolled his eyes in response.
“Well as long as it’s not all bad.”
Billy tore a piece from the bread and offered it to him with a slice of cheese. Steve accepted it wordlessly, holding the alpha’s gaze as he ate from his hand. After all, there had to be some recompense for that ‘not all bad’ comment. Billy’s pupils widened as he stared at Steve, transfixed, tearing off another bite of bread and offering it to him.
They fell into companionable silence as they ate. The simple meal tasted divine after days of half-forgotten sustenance, and Steve savored every bite, but he especially enjoyed watching Billy watch him savor those bites.
"I was thinking we should get in touch with Mr. Buckley." Steve proposed once he was finally sated, glancing up at Billy. "Robin says he’s been staying in Mr. Knightly’s suite at The Palace."
Billy's jaw dropped as he stared at Steve in disbelief. "The Palace ?" he mouthed, his eyes widening in surprise when Steve nodded grimly. A low whistle escaped from Billy's lips as he tried to process the information.
Steve had never been there himself but the building of The Palace Hotel had filled newspapers across the country for months before it’s arrival. It was being hailed as the “shining jewel” of the American West, and a rival for the grand hotels of Europe, even the world-famous Windsor Hotel. Steve’s mother had wanted to go to the grand opening when she’d learned that her social rival, the uppity Mrs. Canes, was going with her ancient husband. She had been inconsolable when his father refused; claiming naturally that he could not afford to be away from important business. But deep down they’d all known it was just to punish her, for whatever infraction was topmost in the ledger Douglas Harrington kept in his own mind.
“Weren’t he and that Knightly fellow you impersonated meant to be traveling around doing some sort of survey?” Billy questioned and Steve nodded.
“Yes.” He answered, distracted as his eyes flicked down to watch Billy lick the juice from his fingers. He was purposefully taking his time with it, Steve was certain. “But even for a short stay Evan Knightly wouldn’t have stayed somewhere less fashionable. We weren’t very long acquainted, but if Mr. Buckley hasn’t encountered any troubles with the room, I would wager that Evan always intended to stay there extendedly while leaving the work to him.”
"Sounds like a real swell guy," Billy grumbled, a ripple of jealousy beneath it despite the mild tone. “But you ever think that if he’d succeeded trapping you into marriage like he planned, you’d be cooling your heels in The Palace right now instead of this creaky little cottage?”
Steve shrugged.
“I could just as easily be back in Pennsylvania with the man’s beastly family, and that’s enough to give me nightmares. And all the while I was suffering Rebecca and Regina, I’m certain Evan would have been soaking himself in wine, tumbling hotel chambermaids and ignored spouses.”
In truth Steve had no idea whether Evan Knightly would have been faithful to him or not, but it was worth it to see the tension in Billy’s shoulders ease and feel his lightness return.
“In the end, a good mate is worth a million palaces. Besides, Alpha.” Steve knocked Billy’s shoulder with his own. “I like the creaky cottage. Don’t you?”
Billy shrugged again, but there was a little smile trying to fight its way through.
"It’s just a house. But you’re right about getting into contact with Buckley. We need to start thinking about our own, and get our life on track.”
“Yes. We can't retreat forever.” Steve murmured, and Billy’s scent grew heavy with a kind of yearning that Steve instantly understood. He was sure he echoed it.
“As much as we might want to."
“Right. Well, we can have Mrs. Abernathy send a telegram over there for us, just in case he’s moved elsewhere.” Billy suggested, hedging a little. “I suppose we could head over there ourselves but I’d hate to waste the fare…”
“Hmm.” Steve hummed in agreement, soothing with his scent as he gave the alpha time to decide whether or not he was going to say whatever was siting so heavily on his tongue. But maybe there was one more thing he could do to help. Just a little.
“I wouldn’t mind waiting on a reply. It’s been quite nice, just the two of us here.” He sighed wistfully, and Billy jumped on the opening.
“Yeah, exactly! No animals, we don’t gotta worry about the roof falling over our heads, or tripping over Max and her army of friends.”
“Four is hardly an army. ” Steve felt he had to point out, and Billy shot him a sharp look, laced with annoyance.
“It’s damn near half a dozen!”
Steve couldn’t really argue with that.
“It’s just nice being able to hear ourselves think for a moment, right?” he continued, softer. “Maybe we shouldn’t rush it is all I’m saying.”
Steve heard what Billy was saying. Loud and clear, and it filled his heart with warm affection he couldn’t help but smile. It only got worse when Billy blushed. His alpha blushed, and couldn’t look him in the eye all because Steve couldn’t contain how happy Billy made him.
“Alright then.” He agreed. “What do you propose we do instead?”
Outside the cottage the winter sun shone brightly, casting a sparkling light over the snow-covered ground. After they had bathed and redressed, Steve and Billy decided to explore the local area, eager to experience the beauty of Cow Hollow. Wrapped in their warm coats, they set off down the stony path outside their door shoulder to shoulder, their breath forming little clouds in the crisp air in front of their noses.
The path led them down from their hilltop, and wound through a picturesque landscape of rolling hills and tree dotted meadows. The tranquility of their surroundings was interrupted only by the occasional glimpse of a farmhand hard at work in a vegetable patch, keeping the frost off the winter crop.
As they passed one such farm a few of the laborers glanced up curiously as the pair walked by, but only one of them acknowledged them beyond that. Though what the old man with the bronzed and wrinkled skin may have said to or about them Steve couldn’t say, for it was muttered in Chinese.
“You ever seen an oriental before?” Billy whispered out of the corner of his mouth and Steve quickened his step, to put space between themselves and the workers, fearful they’d be overheard.
“Yes. There are many in Chicago, and I think it’s an insult to call them that.”
“How come? They’re from the orient, aren’t they?” Billy questioned, not seeming to care at all one way or the other whether he was overheard. Steve rather frustratingly didn’t know the answer to that, only that Nancy had pinched his arm when he’d said it aloud once and hissed between her teeth at him that he was being rude.
“Yes, but they are people, not things.” He settled for repeating what she’d said, because it had never mattered much before whether he understood it himself or not, Nancy was usually right about these things.
“He said if he weren’t such a dried-up old codger, he’d kill me and run off with you.” Billy revealed, and Steve stopped in his tracks, grabbing onto the alpha’s arm in alarm. He couldn’t help but glance back to where they’d left the laborers in the field. Several of the men ducked their heads, as if they’d been watching the pair only moments before.
“You speak Chinese?” he asked, awed and a little bit fearful, but it died swiftly a moment later when Billy grinned like the Chesire cat and readily admitted, “No. I just know alphas.”
“You’re ridiculous.” Steve huffed, marching forward, annoyed that he’d let Billy get under his skin when he knew the alpha was doing it on purpose.
“Hey don’t run ahead now.” Billy cackled after him. “One of the young ones might get ideas, seeing your backside bouncing off like that.”
“Good!” Steve yelled back, cheeks hot with embarrassment but as usual unable to hold his tongue when it came to his husband’s crass, insulting, knotheaded, excuse for humor. “Maybe one of them won’t vex me so damn much!”
“Ah come on Dove, slow down. I was only yanking your chain.” Billy ran to catch up with him. Steve wanted to stay angry at him, but the brightness of Billy’s eyes and the smile on the alpha’s face made it rather difficult.
Curse his wretched face. It truly wasn’t fair.
“Why must you always try and make me curse at you in public?” He pouted, just so he could tell himself he hadn’t let the alpha off easy.
“I made you curse at me?” Billy laughed incredulously, but when Steve glared at him, he nodded easily in agreement, mouth still curled in a smirk. “It’s completely my fault Dove. God knows a gentle little thing like you would never resort to something like cussing if it weren’t for me, riling you up.”
Quite right, Steve thought but then Billy being Billy had to go and ruin it all.
“Come to think of it you don’t even curse when I’m giving you my knot. Prayers and wails loud as feral cats, but no curses.”
“I do not-!” Steve swung at Billy without thinking, but caught himself at the last moment. The alpha had already danced away, cackling loud enough to wake the dead. He didn’t seem to mind at all that Steve had nearly punched him, or that the omega was seething as he hissed through gritted teeth.
“I do not sound feral! And this may surprise a big knothead like you, but some of us do not resort to spewing out obscenities just because we get a bit hot under the collar.”
He refused to look at Billy again, lest he be struck by the urge to punch him in his aggravating face, or worse, kiss him there; but Steve could feel the way the alpha was looking at him and it made his throat dry.
“And that’s not a challenge either!” he insisted because he could all but feel the alpha thinking it.
“Sounds like one to me, Dove.”
God help him . Steve muttered to himself, leaving Billy again and stomping ahead. The alpha wisely let him be for a few paces, but then Steve felt a tug on his elbow. He instinctively slowed, and suddenly the alpha’s hand was trying to hold his. He batted it away once, but Billy just came back again, holding it tighter and staring hard at Steve as if he we daring him to try and escape this time.
Fine! Steve hadn’t really wanted to say no to holding his hand anyway. It was the principle of the argument he felt he should fight for. He didn’t truly recall what that argument was about, but Billy’s general rudeness seemed to fit the bill. He could be such an absolute pighead! Steve might not speak to him for the rest of the evening, or ever again if Billy didn’t watch himself.
Victorious, Billy smiled and squeezed his hand and the pair continued walking.
They could hear the distant sound of waves crashing against the shore now, but on the low ground the water was just a thin blue strip glimpsed between the hills, blending with the horizon.
Billy squeezed his hand gently before he picked up his pace, trotting faster up the path. He was oozing boyish excitement, the feeling of it bubbling through their bond like champagne and Steve couldn’t help but soften a little as he moved his legs faster to keep up.
The air grew saltier, and the sound of the waves became more pronounced as they grew closer to the top of the incline. Finally, they were at the top, where the path started winding down toward the beach stretching out below them, a breathtaking expanse of rocky sand and sea beyond.
Grinning, Billy pulled him forward and they started picking their way carefully down the skinny path between the large rocks on the cliff face.
The winter chill had kept the people with good sense indoors, so the beach was deserted. The sand was cold and firm beneath their feet as they made their way down to the water’s edge. The ocean stretched out endlessly on either side of them, waves capped with white foam crashed rhythmically against the shore.
Steve had seen the ocean when he’d been at school in New York, and when he’d crossed it to go on his tour of Europe, but somehow, he felt like he was seeing it for the first time, hand in hand on the beach with Billy. The alpha stood silently with his eyes closed, the wind off the sea fluttering his hair. He looked at peace.
"Billy," Steve whispered, completely forgetting his earlier decision to treat his mate to stoney silence until he apologized. "It's incredible, isn’t it?"
"Sure is," Billy replied, his voice filled with warmth as he opened his eyes and let his rapturous gaze sweep over the waves. They held a faraway look as he gazed out at the vast expanse of ocean, the cool salty breeze whipping strands of golden hair across his face. It was colder by the water but he didn’t appear bothered by the wind.
"My ma used to love going to the seaside. Before she got sick." He said, voice soft, tinged with bittersweet nostalgia.
Steve squeezed Billy's hand in silent support, sensing the undercurrent of old pain resurfacing. Billy's heart ached through their bond; the weight of memories heavy on it.
"She loved collecting seashells," he continued, eyes still fixed on the distant horizon. "Used to say if you found a perfect one and held it to your ear, you could hear the ocean's secrets."
Steve recognized the familiar story Billy had told Max, the one she’d repeated in her letter to him, and he smiled softly.
“And one holiday, you found the perfect one,” he recalled picturing a young Billy combing the sand for treasures.
“I can just see you, running along the sand without a care in the world. Though I’m a little surprised you didn’t give the poor woman a fright with some harebrained prank."
That made Billy grin again.
“Who says I didn’t?” He gazed out at the horizon, his blue eyes reflecting the endless expanse of sea and sky and his smile faded. "I miss her," he admitted quietly.
For a moment, Steve just let the quiet admission hang there.
“I wish I could have met her," he finally replied. Sincere. He leaned into Billy's side, offering more of his warmth since the alpha had refused to button his coat. "But I suppose I do know her a little, through you.”
The way Billy worked so hard taking care of Max and the farm. They way he loved people so fiercely, and gave so much of himself without expecting it back: it had to be a reflection of her. It certainly wasn’t of his poor excuse of a father.
His alpha tried so hard to be gruff, but beneath his hard exterior beat the most tender heart. One that had been bruised too many times.
“You know what I think?” Steve prompted, and when Billy looked at him again with an eyebrow raised in curiosity he went on. “I think we should convince my mother to keep the cottage until we can take over the rent. We can come back with Max in the summer, and one day - well I think I should like to nest here when our child comes. I can just picture all the summer holidays here with our family. Can’t you?”
Billy's throat tightened and he swallowed hard, nodding his head in agreement. He tenderly wrapped an arm around Steve's waist, their bodies fitting together like puzzle pieces. Their lips met in a gentle kiss and the world around them faded into the background. Billy's lips were soft and plump against his and slightly chapped from the cold air. But they were warm and tasted faintly of the ocean breeze.
The alpha pulled away first, squeezing Steve’s hand gently. Wordlessly he urged Steve forward until they stood at the very edge of the water. The cold surf lapped at their boots.
Perfectly content in the moment, they went back to gazing out over the water. Steve spotted a ferry passing through the straight in the distance. The boat was too far for the people on board to see them, but he waved anyway, enjoying the moment.
He wasn’t overly bothered when the alpha let go of him to drift deeper into the surf. Steve lost himself for a moment in his own thoughts, imagining who those people might be on the ferry and what future, they might be headed to as they arrived on the western shore. He found himself hoping for their sakes that it was to something as equally promising as his own.
"Here," Billy said, surprising him a little when he bent down suddenly to reach for something in the water. He came back up holding a small delicate spiral shell in the palm of his hand. "This one's for you."
He handed the little shell to Steve without further comment and Steve brought it up to his ear.
“What’s it saying?” Billy asked.
“Hmmm.” Steve hummed, just to give himself time to savor the warmth blooming in his chest. “Why - it’s saying, if you don’t take yourself out of that water, you’re going to ruin your boots!”
He laughed as Billy rolled his eyes. He couldn't believe that Billy was just standing there with it up to his calves anyway, without appearing at all bothered.
"You might be right about that. Though it’s a pretty poor secret.” the alpha relented with a little chuckle. But Steve’s eyes widened in shock when instead of coming out of the water he bent down again and started tugging off his boots.
“Billy! What on earth are you doing?”
“Going for a swim. What does it look like?” the alpha answered cheekily, barely acknowledging the horrified expression on the omega’s face. “You can swim too, right?”
“I happen to be an excellent swimmer, but there is no way I am getting in that water. It’s glacial!” Steve refused, because one of them had to be reasonable. Billy was crazy. He knew this about him before he married him, but this went beyond the pale.
"Suit yourself," Billy grinned, tugging off his other boot and throwing it towards its match on the sand. He stripped off his coat, careful not to let it drag in the water before throwing it over the boots. Next, he pulled up his shirt, heedless of the biting air. "More fun for me then."
Steve gaped, staring as the muscle under Billy's golden skin rippled as the alpha shrugged out of the garment. His nipples were peaked from the cold but he didn't seem to notice. Billy tossed the shirt, and his nimble fingers were already working on the fastenings of his trousers.
“You’ll freeze.” Steve protested weakly, not quite able to find his breath.
Billy just laughed at his protestations, and Steve helplessly admired the way the sun glinted off the golden planes of his stomach with the movement.
"Where’d my brave little mate go huh?" he teased. "Don’t tell me you’re scared of a little water."
"Billy, enough! We can't just..." Steve sputtered, glancing around the empty beach as if scandalized witnesses might materialize from around the rocky shoreline at any moment. "Someone could see us!"
"So? Let 'em look," Billy smirked, stepping out of his pants and tossing the sodden material into the sand. He stood there, naked as the day he was born, hands on his hips as the sea breeze tousled his golden hair. Steve didn’t bother trying to hide the way his gaze roamed over his mate's body, from the strong line of the alpha’s shoulders to the cut of his hips.
Billy preened under Steve's admiring gaze, his cocky grin back in full force.
"Like what you see, Dove?"
Steve sighed, equal parts aroused and exasperated. Trust Billy to turn what was a perfectly sweet and innocent moment between a virtuous couple, into an opportunity for ruin and scandal. Steve opened his mouth, a chastisement on the tip of his tongue, but with a wild grin, Billy turned and dove into an oncoming wave, disappearing beneath the dark water. He surfaced a moment later, shaking the water from his hair like an exuberant dog.
"Billy Hargrove, you are out of your mind!" Steve called after him, but he couldn't keep the creeping note of admiration from his voice.
“Who’s that?” Billy shouted back over the crash of the waves. A wild chuckle tore from Steve’s throat at Billy’s continued pattern of rejecting his half of their name. In the water he flashed Steve a dazzling smile. "Now quit your fussing! A little cold never killed anybody."
“Ha! It most certainly has!”
Still, Steve’s heart began to beat rapidly in his chest torn with indecision. He glanced back at the deserted beach and then longingly at the churning water. The sensible thing to do here was obviously not plunging himself into the frigid winter sea. Obviously. And obviously Steve was not swayed at all by Billy swimming closer to shore, rising up from the waves like some Greek myth, and extending a hand to Steve in invitation.
"Come on, Darlin. Live a little," he coaxed, eyes sparkling bluer than the water around him. Oh hell.
Steve cursed under his breath, and with one last hasty scan of the beach he started unfastening his mantlress.
He stripped quickly, shivering as his skin was exposed to the cold air.
A wild laugh bubbled up from somewhere inside as he raced towards the water. The first touch of the icy waves was indeed even more brutal than he was expecting. It sent a shock through Steve’s body, but he pushed forward, driven by the adrenaline and Billy’s infectious cries of encouragement.
Steve had nearly reached him – Billy's laughter mingled with the roar of the ocean as a wave crashed over their heads, sending their bodies crashing together briefly. Warm arms slid around him and held him steady while they broke the surface.
There were no worries in Steve’s head anymore about being seen. Even about drowning in the cold depths. In that moment, he felt free and alive, all thoughts of discomfort forgotten in the sheer exhilaration of the moment. It was similar to the way he felt on the back of a horse, racing against the pack with nothing but his own skill and his trust in his horse.
Billy held him close as they bobbed in the waves, their bodies pressed together from chest to thigh. Steve shivered, but it wasn't entirely from the cold. He clung to his mate’s strong shoulders, feeling the muscle ripple beneath his palms.
"I’m out of my mind," he breathed against Billy's lips before giving into their temptation, capturing them in a salty kiss. The alpha's mouth was warm and welcoming, a delicious contrast to the bracing chill of the water. A groan rumbled in the back of his throat as Steve ran his tongue over Billy’s lips, savoring the taste of the ocean.
Billy's hands slid lower, cupping Steve's backside in a possessive grip.
"You’re perfect." he murmured as they parted for air. And then, before Steve could even respond to that he nodded towards a large boulder jutting out of the water some distance away. "Race you to that rock."
Billy was off like a young stallion after its first mare, cutting through the waves with powerful strokes.
And Steve was sure that it said something awful about him, that he set off after the alpha without so much as a thought, determined not to be out done.
He hadn’t been lying, he was an excellent swimmer which allowed him to close Billy’s small lead about halfway to the target. And then they were cutting through the waves side by side, matching each other stroke for stroke.
Steve's heart pounded with wild joy from the thrill of competition, pushing himself to his limits, from Billy’s heart pounding in tandem. The rock loomed closer and closer until finally Billy's hand slapped the slick surface a mere second before Steve's.
As they clung to the boulder, panting from exertion, Billy grinned triumphantly at him. "I win."
"You cheated," Steve accused playfully, splashing water at his face.
"I did not!" Billy laughed, dodging Steve's splash and retaliating with one of his own. "Don't be a sore loser, now. I won fair and square."
Steve exaggerated a pout, lips pursed and his brow furrowed. With salty water droplets dripping from his lashes and the ends of his hair into his eyes, it wasn’t hard to look pitiful. But Billy wasn’t looking at him like he was. He was looking at Steve with fascination and their bond was singing: beautiful .
"You had a head start," Steve could barely hold onto his pretense of anger, he wanted to kiss him again so badly.
"Maybe you're just out of practice," Billy teased, tugging Steve closer by the hips until they were flush against each other, the rough surface of the boulder scraping lightly against Billy's back as the push of waves rocked them against it.
"Too much time spent lounging around in fancy drawing rooms instead of swimming I think."
"Hardly.” Steve sneered at the very idea. “You clearly haven’t heard of Launching Day in New York City. I’ve been thrown in the river more times than I can count. And I'll have you know; I’ve been swimming since before I was in pants." Steve huffed indignantly, but he looped his arms around Billy's neck all the same, fingers toying with the wet strands at the alpha’s nape. "My form is impeccable."
"Oh I'll say," Billy purred, his gaze roaming appreciatively over Steve's bare torso, drinking in the sight of his skin flushed from exertion and cold. Steve shivered under his hands, goosebumps rising on his flesh.
Billy's lips curved into a smirk as he felt Steve shiver under his touch. "Getting a bit chilly, are we Dove?" he teased, pulling the omega flush against his body to share his warmth. The contrasting sensations of the cold water and Billy's heated skin made Steve shudder with pleasure.
"Perhaps we should head back to shore," Steve suggested, teeth chattering slightly. As thrilling as their impromptu swim had been, the rational part of his mind was starting to remind him of the dangers of prolonged exposure to the cold.
Billy nodded in agreement, but made no move to release Steve from his embrace. "In a minute," the alpha murmured, ducking his head to nuzzle at the sensitive skin behind Steve's ear. "I need to hear you say I win first."
Steve laughed breathlessly, tilting his head to allow Billy better access. The alpha's lips trailed feather-light kisses along his jaw and down the column of his throat, each one sending sparks of pleasure through Steve's chilled body. When Billy's mouth found his bonding gland, worrying the tender flesh with his teeth, Steve couldn't contain the wanton moan that spilled from his lips.
“I win.” he panted, defiant, pressing up against Billy tightly.
Billy pulled back, pupils blown wide with want, but his expression was all concern at the way Steve’s body trembled against his.
"We really should get you warmed up," he said, voice rough. "Don't want you catching your death out here."
Steve nodded wordlessly in agreement, heart still pounding away in his chest, body alive with tingles. Yes. It was crazy of him to get in the water in the first place. But his thoughts kept singing the same tune. I win. I win. I win .
One week earlier, in Hawkins Indiana
Nora Harrington strode into Mrs. Lexington's Parlor with poise, her delicate figure protected from the harsh winter air by a heavy fur lined cloak and sturdy kid leather boots. Her dark hair - for it was always tragically dull and dark in the cold season - fell from under her fur lined hat in limp spirals around her face. Minus her hair, she certainly looked smart, though she didn’t doubt others would question the wisdom of her braving the miserable weather in her most fashionable dress. Her hairdo certainly had not survived the excursion.
The countryside was still a frozen wasteland to hear their man Conway tell it, with snow several feet deep on the ground from Hawkins all the way to Indianapolis. They’d managed a little better in the city from what she’d gathered from the papers, and while Hawkins was certainly no true comparison, they weren’t completely unfortunate in their infrastructure. They had a few resources, and Douglas and the other esteemed members of the Business Leaders Association had spared no time pressuring the mayor to get the streets clear so that business could resume operation.
The result was less than hoped for, but better perhaps than expected. The Hawkins Police had been out in droves for the greater part of a week shoveling the main street and the parkways surrounding Governor's square free of snow, but a layer of thick ice had set in before they could finish, making it impossible to get down to the very bottom of it.
So those who could make it out their doors - if they weren’t blocked by drifts and piles three feet high or more - had no choice but to risk slipping on the ice and the possibility of taking a disastrous fall. Just that morning there had been a story in the paper of a poor man, who had been delivering coal, who had taken a spill and died !
Nora did not blame anyone one bit, for not wanting to bother with the outdoors until the thaw came, but there were many people who had no choice in the matter, if they wanted to take care of their families. Months ago, she never would have believed she could be one of the desperate, and yet here she was.
Nora had trudged through the banks alongside the road, rather than risk the ice and as a result the hem of her cloak was soaked through and her legs and feet were chilled to the bone. She’d opted to travel from the house to Lexington's on foot, rather than take the carriage, in order to conceal her plans from her alpha. Douglas hardly paid her any attention, but she couldn’t risk that he might suddenly need the carriage and discover that she had taken it. He’d wonder of course, what could be so urgent that she’d expose herself to a miserable journey rather than just send a servant.
She’d wondered it herself often as she’d been trudging through the snow, the wind moaning and biting at her tender skin, forcing her to tighten her cloak around herself. But when she did, she would picture Steve in her mind, until it gave her a new strength. Her child’s wellbeing depended on her and Nora Murray would not have been defeated by a little silly snow. She would simply have to find that girl she used to be and rely on her, because she couldn’t give up!
The brass bell above the café door tinkled softly as Nora closed it behind her. Sunlight spilled through the large front windows of the establishment, reflecting off the polished wooden floors and glinting off the silver centerpieces on the tables. It was just after eleven o’clock, time for morning tea and the first round of callers for those at home - though they wouldn’t be expecting any with the snow being what it was.
Nora sagged in relief, letting out a grateful sigh as the warmth in the room washed over her. The rich scent of freshly brewed coffee and baked pastries filled her nose as she stood there in the doorway for a moment, catching her breath, but it was the sight of one of the few other women brave enough to face the bitter winter morning to patron Lexington’s that seized her heart in a powerful grip.
There, nestled in a corner table draped with an intricately woven lace cloth, sat Nancy Wheeler, looking prim and quite proper in a periwinkle cloak and bonnet.
With each step toward Nancy, Nora felt the pounding of her heart intensify, as if it sought to break free from the confines of her ribcage. She’d truly done it. The risk had felt real enough an hour ago when Martha had helped her slip out the back door of the manor unseen, but something about seeing Nancy there made it feel as if she were on the verge of victory.
It was hogwash of course. The battle still lay ahead and it wouldn’t do to lose her footing now, celebrating before it was even won. Especially something as trivial as making it outside the house.
Nora adjusted her posture, standing taller as the host approached her. He reached out to take her cloak, his crisp white gloves a stark contrast against the deep red fabric. She smiled graciously as he bowed and led her into the elegant dining room and toward the table by the window where Nancy waited.
The soft rustle of her skirts were like whispers as she walked, but so sparsely occupied was the normally bustling establishment that her steps seemed unusually loud.
"Mrs. Wheeler, how are you?" Nora greeted the younger woman, who had somehow failed to notice her approach, consumed as she was in a thick leather-bound binder full of papers.
At the sound of her voice Nancy startled.
“Mrs. Harrington!” she replied, her voice rising just a little too high in her sheepishness. “I’m well. It’s lovely to see you.”
Nora exchanged the necessary pleasantries as she sat in the chair opposite Nancy and allowed a waiter to take her order— a hot tea with brandy, and a plate of savory scones, because she didn’t care for the heaviness of the French food the Lexington’s cook was known for.
Nancy became worried when she realized that Nora had not only come to the café alone, but that she had walked by herself. Her scent soured with disapproval in Nora’s nose, making it twitch.
But time was a thief, and Nora was not about to squander precious moments that might make the difference for Steve on trivialities. Once the waiter was gone, she leaned toward Nancy and dropped her voice into a conspiratorial whisper.
“Enough about the damned weather. It is only snow, and I am well enough.” Nora waved away her concern, and the displeasing odor of it, scrunching her nose. “What did you find?”
She did not need a woman half her age to concern herself about whether or not a walk to main street was too taxing for her. What she needed was for Nancy to use her connections and her privileges as an alpha to find out more about the train derailment on the Knightly’s Rochester line - the one that Douglas had let slip during his confession, was the reason that George had to close nearly half of his clandestine business before he was found out.
Obviously, the man had gotten away with it, but an operation of the scale that Douglas had described couldn’t just simply vanish. There had to be evidence out there still that it had existed and then found new life elsewhere. Which she knew for a fact it had, with her alpha, but Nora couldn’t just hand Douglas over to the authorities. Not while she was unsure whether the Knightlys would be able to wriggle free from the noose and pin it all on Douglas. He’d deserve it if they could manage it, but then she and Steve might also be dragged down in the fallout.
Nancy’s expression shifted, her brow furrowing as her fingers gripped the edge of the table and she glanced around the café. Seated in their section was a single gentleman, who was very engaged in his paper. At the front where pastries and confections were sold to those who preferred to take their lunch elsewhere, a single service girl was polishing the brass handles on a tea cart.
“Pay her no mind, Nancy, and tell me what you found!” Nora urged impatiently. If she weren’t so well bred, she might have been tempted to kick the alpha woman under the table. No one would see, but Nora didn’t dare. She could just hear her poor dam clicking his tongue and frowning at her for misbehaving. How he’d bemoan to the heavens giving him such a precocious child until she’d straighten up. She missed him so… but then again, she couldn’t help but think that if she had held onto some of that boldness, perhaps her situation would be much different now.
Finally, Nancy leaned toward Nora and began to speak.
"Well as you know, Jonathan reached out to his friend at the New York Tribune," she began, hushed. "He put us in touch with Mr. Thornwood, who wrote all those scathing articles after the incident. Well, he was very eager to share information once he realized the potential for a scoop." The words tumbled from Nancy’s lips as she gestured toward the papers in the open binder set before her.
Nora's heart quickened, fluttering like a trapped bird within her chest but she didn’t speak, not wanting to risk Nancy taking any more time to reveal what she’d learned. Nancy went on to explain how Mr. Thornwood had been reputedly good friends with the journalist who had died during the deadly train derailment that had put the Knightly’s in hot water. A mister Montgomery.
Mr. Montgomery had run afoul of the Knightlys years earlier, due to his harsh criticism of George’s business practices. The extension of the Rochester Line into Canada had been his to oversee, and under his management the endeavor had displaced many poor farmers. Homes and small businesses standing in the way of the rail had been lost to unfair tax hikes, predatory sales offer, and the rezoning of land. All lobbied for and orchestrated with his extensive wealth.
Sadly, displacement was altogether too common when it came to major railway expansions; but the public didn’t like to be reminded of it, and could turn on businessmen whom they felt engaged in unfair and unchristian practices. George had not liked having his name drawn through the mud, and had tried to make things difficult for Mr. Montgomery, who had ultimately been let go from the Tribune and then several subsequent papers, before he and a partner had started their own publication.
“It was all just cat and mouse, until Mr. Montgomery was approached by a Mrs. Ashford from Strafford Vermont. She claimed her husband had died in a mining accident at the coal mine there, but the warden refused to pay her widows allotment - and threatened her if she went to the authorities!” Nancy explained. Her mouth tightened with displeasure around the words as if the man were standing there in the café with them.
"How terrible. But how did that move Mr. Montgomery?" Nora asked.
"Mr. Thornwood doesn’t know, only that Mr. Montgomery had reason to suspect that there was an unusual pattern to her husband’s death, as well as others. I’ve been thinking. He must have realized that the reason the company would not pay them was far more sinister than mere greed. The companies have to keep a record of their allowances, you know. Thanks to the Widows and Dependents Act.”
Nancy lifted a paper from her binder and held it out to Nora, who took it from her and examined it. It was a ledger of households, columns filled with each member's name and age with tally marks beside them.
“Look here. This is one of my father’s records, from his mine in California.” Nancy explained, placing her finger to one of the columns. “See how the deceased names are listed, next to their cause of death, as well as time and place?”
Nora did see. A Mr. Bramley had been pronounced dead following a tunnel collapse in a mine numbered C03, owned by Theodore Wheeler Mining Incorporation. Mr. Bramley had left behind an elderly mother, and four children. The mother was now receiving a pitiable allowance of five dollars a month for herself, and a dollar for each child until they came of age.
But more pressingly, Nora was beginning to see what Nancy meant. As a concession to business owners who had worried that they would be crippled under the weight of caring for the families of their former employees, the Government had agreed to subsidize the widow allowances in order to pass the bill. She was certain that a good deal of their stringent oversight had more to do with cost effectiveness than anything else.
“A company with too many injuries and needless deaths, who appeared careless with its workers lives, would come under scrutiny and could find itself in trouble.” She guessed.
Nancy nodded.
“Yes. A certain amount of collateral damage is to be expected, and isolated incidents can be easily covered. But if I were illegally mining gemstone and smuggling it out, I wouldn’t want a major tunnel collapse with dozens of men dead. That would draw eyes towards me.”
Yes . Much simpler to just pretend as if the incident had never occurred and silence the witnesses, Nora mused. Those poor people.
Nancy went on to tell her how Mr. Montgomery had agreed to investigate George’s mining operations and seek evidence that Mrs. Ashfords husband had been employed there. That had led him somehow to the suspicion that George’s company was involved in shady exports, and the discovery that the Rochester Line was making unscheduled stops in Vermont, once a quarter.
"Mr. Montgomery witnessed undisclosed parcels of goods being taken from the Strafford Mine and loaded onto the train. Those goods were always unloaded in New York City, where they were then delivered to Lunt & Luster Jewel Company. He claimed to have witnessed this with his own eyes."
Nora shook her head slowly in amazement. "So, it’s just as Douglas said."
"It appears so. And it gets worse I’m afraid," Nancy added gravely."Mr. Montgomery went to the police, but the investigation didn’t go anywhere. The Knightlys are too powerful. Mr. Thornwood writes that Mr. Montgomery boarded the train again during the next shipment, intending to get irrefutable proof. But it derailed and Mr. Montgomery perished."
Poor Mr. Montgomery . Nora thought, a chill going down her spine. A familiar tightness gripped her chest, the beginnings of panic as her every instinct screamed that she was in danger. Run. Hide. Freeze. Her omega instincts never bothered to decide which. Their only purpose seemed to be to make her very very afraid, until she was paralyzed with it.
“You understand what this means don’t you? It was likely no accident.” Nancy kept on. Under the table Nora clenched her arms, grounding herself. You cannot freeze. Not today. It is too important.
Nancy’s nose twitched, finally noticing the other woman’s distress. The young alpha’s brow furrowed in a deep frown; her scent ripened with guilt as well as obvious concern.
“Mrs. Harrington, dozens of people died during that derailment. Over fifty according to the civil suit that followed.” She said slowly, as if she were explaining it to someone too young to understand the gravity. So, like an alpha. So, like Douglas, who even now would never believe that his omega was smarter than him or capable of navigating the dangerous waters of the world.
Nora did not blame him entirely for the thought. She had never had to do much risk taking - good heavens no. She’d had two loving parents who had given her everything they could, whose only request of her was that she be a good girl for them. Then she’d been mated. Others had always protected her and told her where to go. If they bothered to explain their reasoning at all, it was always in that exact tone. They saw it as kindness.
“Nora.” Nancy continued gently. She reached with one gloved hand across the table and set it gently upon Nora’s arm, holding her steady. Despite herself, Nora was grateful. She just needed a moment, that was all, and she was glad to have someone there - even if it was the very same alpha who had broken her child’s heart.
“An engine damaged, fifty dead, and a costly lawsuit. That’s how far George was willing to go to stop Mr. Montgomery. Are you certain you want to find out how far he’ll go to stop you?”
As Nancy spoke, Nora went stiff.
Right. She’d almost forgotten for a moment who she was talking to. Perhaps it wasn’t fair of her to think it, but she did nonetheless. After all what a question. Was she certain she wanted to protect herself and her child? She’d love to hear what Nancy would propose as an alternative. On second thought, no she wouldn’t. She already knew.
While Mrs. Wheeler chased her story and whatever justice she’d already decided Nora’s alpha and the Knightlys deserved, she would expect Nora to sit back and let an alpha handle her affairs.
The resulting scandal would be horrendous, the fortune Nora had spent years building in her hellish marriage lost, Douglas imprisoned or sent to the fields to work off his debt to society, she and Steven left ruined and penniless; only if they weren’t right there in the field beside him!
Nancy didn’t think herself cruel. Alphas never did. She probably thought the courts would go easy on two omegas of high status. She probably still intended to take Steve as her second, and thought that naturally she’d take care of his mother. She probably thought that this outcome was the best Nora could hope for in her dismal situation.
Well Mrs. Wheeler. No offense to you, but I dare to hope for a little more.
“It sounds to me as if I must gather evidence, and be more careful at it than Mr. Montgomery was.” Nora answered, the quietness no mask for the finality in her tone. Nancy’s brows raised in surprise, clearly not expecting it as Nora withdrew, pointedly leaning back in her seat until Nancy released her hold.
“After the law suit, George had to rush to close down his operations. There must be something he missed somewhere. Some clue of what he was doing in Strafford.” She continued, ignoring Nancy’s obvious wish to continue trying to convince her of the dangers. “He certainly underestimated Mr. Montgomery, and now that his friend Mr. Thornwood is so eager to avenge him, that will be of use to us when it comes time to expose him. The New York Tribune is a major publication.”
She imagined an expose by them full of murder and scandal attached to such a prominent family like the Knightlys would make its way into every other paper from here to Buckingham Palace in record time.
“But we cannot spring the trap just yet.” Nora finished, her voice regaining strength along with her conviction.
“You mean not go to the authorities with what we know? But N-Mrs. Harrington, what of the miners.” Nancy insisted. “I don’t think you understand what conditions they are -”
“No Mrs. Wheeler, it is you I think who doesn’t understand. I did not ask your help because I am interested in correcting every injustice brought upon the working class. Not at the expense of my child.”
“But Steve would not come to harm.” Nancy tried again, in a placating tone. “I’m sure that the court would not wish to see a gently bred omega suffer for his father’s misdeeds.”
“Oh, you’re sure of that are you? Well perhaps that’s so. I’m sure I don’t have to tell the editor in chief of the ‘Liberty Belle’ how it’s much more likely for the poor to find themselves bound into indentured servitude than the rich. Wives' children and all, because we are considered property of the offender.”
Nancy winced at Nora’s cold tone and it was a struggle for Nora to appear unaffected. She knew she was in danger of sounding heartless. But so be it. If she had to be heartless to save her son then she would be.
“But I confess I don’t understand you, Nancy. You rail against the unfairness, and yet here you are willing to rely on it to save Steve from a fate I myself dare not imagine. How can you bear to risk it? Do you not care for him at all?”
Across the table Nancy's expression darkened, a flicker of hurt passing through the younger woman’s eyes before it was replaced by steely determination. She leaned forward, her voice low and urgent.
"Mrs. Harrington, I care for Steve more than you know. But Steve is not the only victim here, or must I say, even the worst off. The miners and their families are being exploited. Children work in these mines, for pennies, and when they are crushed under a pile of rocks, no one listens to the Mrs. Ashfords. But they will listen to you !"
Nora's chest clenched tightly, and she turned her head to try and hide the way she flinched from the rebuke in the woman’s words. She knew Nancy was right. Knew her choice was ultimately a selfish one, but she couldn't afford to waver now. Not when Steve's future hung in the balance.
But she was going about this wrong, she realized with a sudden bolt of clarity. She knew alphas, and even the good ones were still particular. They didn’t take kindly to direct challenges. Not without a little sugar to help the medicine go down. Nancy Wheeler was not going to be reasoned into bending those stiff principles of hers, but if she still cared for Nora’s son even a little bit, Nora could make her feel it.
She took a steadying breath and calmed her scent until it was smooth and soothing. Meeting Nancy's gaze once more, Nora softened her expression and brought her hand up to reach across the table.
"Dear girl…I understand your desire for justice, truly I do. But my first and foremost duty is to my son. My Steven.” She implored, allowing some of her desperation to leak into her scent. Allowing Nancy to peek at the fear that gripped her chest, day in and day out. “If it were only me, and the courts decided that I should be bound into servitude with my alpha, then I would accept it as punishment for my own weakness. But I can’t accept it for my child, whose failures are a direct result of my own. I’m old. I made my choices, but he still has his life Nancy, and I cannot watch it be taken from him. I beg of you. Give me time to make certain he’ll be spared.”
Nancy stewed. Her indecision was plain to see, but Nora’s earnest pleading had given her pause. She settled her hand over the omega’s and held it between hers as she deliberated, torn between her principles.
Nora waited. She was not worried. She knew alphas and she knew Nancy Wheeler, better now than she ever had before.
After a long moment, Nancy sighed heavily and sat back in her chair.
"Very well. We'll do this your way, for now.” She warned when Nora beamed. “But one way or another, the truth must come out. For the sake of those families."
Nora inclined her head in acknowledgment, relief coursing through her veins.
"I wouldn't expect anything less from you, my dear. But for now, we must focus on the task at hand.” She said, drawing back with an easy smile as she breezed ahead. The quicker she could shuffle Nancy down the path to action, the less time there would be for her to reconsider.
“Now. I think you and your Mr. Byers shall go to Vermont to speak to Mrs. Ashford and the other miners. Their stories may help us find a clue, and we will need to convince them to testify.”
“Yes, but Nora, wouldn’t it be a better use of our time to focus on Oklahoma?” Nancy questioned. “After all we may not find any evidence in Strafford, but we know Mr. Harrington has an operation running there right now. Did you not have any luck figuring out where?”
“I have not been idle my dear I promise you. Mr. Harrington has given Steve the land tracts in inheritance.” Nora couldn’t help but be a little snappish. Of course she’d held up her end of the bargain. And had she not, she would have said so before no.
“Excellent! Motivated I’m sure by Jonathan’s moving article calling for more government interference with big companies.” Nancy reveled, her mouth curled in a fond smile, eyes filling with pride for her little beta mate.
Nora sighed.
“Yes, that was rather a stroke of genius. Douglas was being frightfully stubborn before then. Naturally, even when he did concede, he was too proud to give our son all of the land in Oklahoma.” She led. Nancy’s eyes widened.
“Which means...?”
“That the ones he did give Steve, almost certainly are the ones being used to mine for gems.” Nora confirmed with a firm nod. “At least, it considerably narrows the search. In any case, it makes more sense for me to go there myself and speak to the prospectors.”
“ You go?” Nancy immediately objected. The smile falling from her face. “But why would they speak to you ? Pardon me for saying it, Ma’am, but you’re -”
“An omega. Yes, I had noticed dear. But I am also Mrs. Harrington, and as far as those men know their work has suddenly shut down with no explanations.” Nora interjected.
She was not frightened of the possibility of being rebuffed by the men who ran her alpha’s mines. The sudden stop of production would have caused confusion and dissent. Their workers were surely restless to know when their wages would return.
“The one thing they can know for sure - because I intend to make sure they understand - is that my son now owns all of that land.”
And if they wanted to see wages again, they had better decide they could tolerate taking orders from an omega.
“But will your alpha even allow it?” Nancy protested. “How do you -”
“I don’t plan to ask him outright silly girl.” Nora admonished with a roll of her eyes, but she smiled to lessen the sting as she went on. “I have a plan. You just leave Mr. Harrington to me.”
Nancy sat back again and nodded reluctantly, tapping a finger against her tea cup.
"I still think it is far too dangerous for you alone. Why, who knows what unsavory characters your husband may have employed."
Nora scoffed thinking, ‘A minute ago the miners were poor hapless victims in need of a champion and now they are unsavory characters ’ but she quickly smoothed her expression into one of gentle understanding.
"I assure you dear that I can look after myself. I promise I shall exercise the utmost caution."
Nancy looked unconvinced, but Nora pressed on before she could object further. "Besides, it is imperative that we act swiftly.”
Deciding that the subject was settled, Nora stood up from her chair just as their waiter arrived with the tray full of freshly baked pastries and a fresh pot of tea. Withdrawing a folded bill from her purse Nora set the money upon the table with an apologetic smile.
“I hate to leave you, but I must be home before I am missed.” She announced, and the confused waiter bobbed his head in a deferential bow.
“Shall I fetch your coat Ma’am?”
“Yes, please. I shall follow you.” Nora said and the man scurried off to comply.
Sitting at the table, Nancy still looked dubious, but the alpha sighed and caught Nora’s sleeve before she could turn to follow after the waiter.
"If there is no talking you out of this, please promise me you'll be careful? Steve would -” the younger woman paused, and swallowed thickly, a quiet sadness filling her eyes. “Well, he’d never forgive me if something happened to you."
Nora knew that look. She didn’t understand it, given that Nancy had been the one to end her engagement with Steven, but regardless she knew it.
“Do you still love him?”
Nancy's fingers tightened in Nora's sleeve, her eyes widening before she glanced away, a faint blush coloring her cheeks.
"I..." she hesitated, her voice wavering. "I care for him deeply, Mrs. Harrington. I always have. I never meant to hurt him, I just thought that our paths had diverged and…”
Nora studied the young alpha, taking in the sorrow that tinged her scent despite the deep affection she’d shown for Mr. Byers earlier. It too had seemed to be genuine. Nora had no taste for it, but she could allow that perhaps it was true that Nancy might love them both. Alphas had held multiple omegas for far longer than monogamy had been the rule, and she couldn’t go so far as to say that none of those unions could have been happy ones. One still heard of happy triads in France. But that was the French for you.
Nora gently laid her hand upon Nancy's and extricated herself from the alpha’s grip.
“Perhaps it’s for the best that they did.” She said, not unkindly. “Besides it’s too late now. He is soon to marry another.”
Nancy's eyes widened in surprise at Nora's revelation, her scent shifting into something bittersweet. "Steve is engaged?”
“Yes. To his Mr. Hargrove. And once the marriage has taken place and their bond is secure, I need no longer fear he’ll share his father's punishment.”
“I... I see.”
“I’m glad that you do.”
“That's... wonderful news. I'm happy for him." Nora thought her words were sincere, even as a wistful melancholy lingered in her gaze.
“He’s lucky you know, that you are his mother.” Nancy said suddenly, taking Nora by surprise. “Not many wives would go against their husbands. I am sure my mother wouldn’t.”
Nancy’s mother had always been stringently indifferent to her child. Content that she’d done her duty in providing her alpha with a suitable heir, she saw no reason to concern herself with motherly worries. As long as Nancy was well behaved for the host of nannies and tutors employed to mind her, Francisca Wheeler never saw a reason to bother with her. Now that Nancy had embroiled the family with scandal by breaking her arrangement with Steve and refusing to work under her father, the woman refused to acknowledge her even in public.
"Many would say it is a sin, to go against my alpha.” Nora murmured, her tone softening with empathy. "Perhaps they are right, and I shall have to answer for it with the good lord someday. But I can’t help but think that even a sparrow will risk herself to protect her young from the cat. Who can call themself a mother who would do less?”
With a final nod, Nora left Nancy there and followed the path of the waiter to the front of the café, thinking all the while of what waited for her back at the house.
Nora stumbled up the path to the back garden gate, following the tracks she’d left earlier in the day, gasping for breath and feeling her legs shake with exhaustion. The chilly air had seeped into her bones, making her shiver uncontrollably. Above her, dark clouds loomed threatening more dratted snow, casting a shadow over the landscape. Despite the physical strain, the long walk had given Nora time to think and come up with a plan.
It had been a bit of a white lie when she’d told Nancy that she already had one, but if Nora hadn’t at least pretended to be more confident than she actually was, she knew the stubborn woman would never have come off the subject of her safety - and then where would they be!
Wearily Nora fumbled with the gate, nearly crying with joy when the stubborn latch finally released.
“It is done. Soon you will be in your nice warm bed. You can have Martha draw you a bath, with those lovely new soaps you bought at the Finchway Market last spring. Won’t that be nice?” She encouraged herself as she trudged up the garden path, which was thankfully much better maintained then the public road and not nearly so packed with snow and ice.
As she approached the back of the house, she was glad to see that the yard was empty and the servant's door - the one the staff used to enter the kitchens from the garden - was already opening. Her maid Martha appeared in the doorway with a blanket in hand before Nora had even reached the door, and rushed out to wrap her in it.
"Oh, thank goodness! I was worried sick you’d fallen. I was about to send Conway out after you!" the young woman fussed, wrapping the thick woolen blanket around Nora's shivering form as she ushered her inside. Quickly shutting the door behind her, Martha raised a finger to her lips and the pair tiptoed past the kitchen where the cook and the kitchen girl were busy already with the supper preparations. The warmth leaking out of the open door was a welcome relief after the biting cold of the outdoors, but they didn’t dare linger in the hall or else they might be spotted.
"Qu-quickly, we must get up-upstairs before anyone sees me," Nora chattered through trembling lips as Martha rubbed her arms briskly to help warm her. With a nod, the maid guided her swiftly through the narrow servants' passages, taking care to avoid the main corridors where they might encounter Nora’s alpha or the other staff.
Once safely sequestered in Nora's chambers, Martha quickly helped her remove her damp outer layers, clucking and fretting all the while.
“I’m alright Martha, it was hardly anything.” Nora said nothing of the tears she’d shed outside the gate. “Just some snow. It’s not worth all this fuss.”
“But your legs Ma’am. They’re all ghastly red.” Martha mourned. She was right, down to her petticoats and chemise, boots and stockings discarded, Nora could see that her legs were mottled with angry red.
“it’s nothing a bath won’t sort.” She fluttered, feeling the need to sit down. “And it was well worth the journey, in the end.”
"I take it your meeting with Miss Wheeler went well, ma'am?" Martha inquired curiously as she maneuvered Nora into a plush armchair by the hearth. As soon as Nora was settled the girl ran to add another log to the fire and stoke up the flame for more heat.
"As well as can be expected," Nora sighed, holding her hands out to the crackling flames. "Nancy has agreed to go to Vermont to speak with the miners' families. But she's not at all keen on my plan to investigate the Oklahoma holdings myself."
Martha paused in stoking the fire to shoot Nora a concerned glance. "Begging your pardon, ma’am, but I'm not certain I am either. It's an awful risk for an omega, traveling alone. And what if the master gets wind of it?"
Nora waved away Martha's concerns with a flick of her wrist. "I won't be alone, silly girl. I'll have you with me of course."
"Me, ma'am?" The maid squeaked, nearly dropping the poker in her surprise.
"Yes, you. I can hardly go traipsing about the countryside without a companion, now, can I? It would be most improper." Nora replied with a wry smile.
In truth, propriety was the least of her concerns, but she knew Martha's presence would provide a modicum of respectability to her journey in the eyes of others. More importantly, she trusted the young woman implicitly and would feel far steadier with a friend at her side.
“I find myself in need of a personal secretary. Someone I can trust to help me manage my affairs.” She went on, smiling at the way the younger omega’s eyes continued to widen. “The salary shall be more than fair and I shall give you a bonus, something you can set aside in case of – well, in any case you shall have it.”
She was not unaware of the risks she was asking Martha to take, involving her in her schemes. Martha had a family who relied on her back in Ireland, and should not in truth be risking her steady employment to conspire with the mistress against the head of the household.
“That’s too generous ma’am! I can hardly see myself being a secretary – I'd feel as if I’d robbed you!”
“Nonsense. You can read, you can write, and you have far more good sense in your head than I. You are deserving.” Nora insisted. “And you have been a good friend. To Steven, and now to his poor mother. That’s less important perhaps, but still. Martha -”
Nora extended her hand and slowly the younger omega lowered the poker she still held before coming within reach. Nora took her hand.
“Whether you take the job or not, you must know how grateful I am to you. The advance is yours, and if you should like to take it and find surer employment elsewhere, you’ll have my recommendation.”
Martha smiled that crooked smile of hers, her eyes shining with unshed tears. There was a determined glint in them as she said. "That’s good of you ma'am but wild horses couldn't keep me away now. You’ve gone and made me a secretary. I’ll be aiming for city council next!"
Laughing, Nora squeezed Martha's hands between hers and raised the back of her palm to her mouth, placing a fond kiss there. Martha thought Nora was changing her life, but the truth was it was Martha who had changed hers – by offering an old silly omega understanding when she’d have had every right to judge her. In the weeks since Steve's disappearance, the young woman had become her rock - a faithful ally and confidante when all others, even her own alpha, couldn’t be trusted to have her best interest.
"Then it’s settled. First, we shall go to Kansas, where my brother is.”
Nora was sure that Eion would insist on accompanying them to Oklahoma once she told him her business. If not himself then he’d send her with Cousin Alfred. “He won’t stomach letting me go alone, and I fear we shall need a little muscle before the end.”
“But how shall you convince Mr. Harrington?” Martha asked.
"I have an idea, but I will need your help to pull it off."
Martha leaned closer when Nora gestured to her, lowering herself beside her mistress’s chair and tilting her ear toward her while Nora whispered the plan.