The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)


-i jrlL.IonsJiiiTeilZZ-.ara LEAVE MESSAGE -WELLER ROOfll Qualify toofinq -voy-i(d seamless gutten iq fna many references .522 6247- 30 tMPLOYMENT IS TELEMARKETERS woffled Up 10 per hour-No experience npcessay Call 5236816 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 1 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY expef enced. responsible indwxiuo! to assist i executive of grawiDg company Individual must have ex--ceiientcomrnuncc'on-jRills. general ledger accounting and skills, extensive comoutof experience and seaetanol Excellent op- poftumty for Send Jesume Ctnctre' erences toe- Boxt-31 Seymour Tribune AGGRESSIVE SALESPERSON lor ncw car. deal Must be highly well gloomed, experience -helpful but not -necessary, Sena restime to Box 20, Seyrojr Tribune ANSWERING A BOX NUMBL8? CXirblmd box ods.ore confidential, but if you don't wont us to send your resume to a certain company, we won't Just enclose your a second envelope, along with note telling us wnot company you don't want to reach Doly -j APPLICATIONS ARE being occepiea 01 Jackson Convalescent Center lor the Activities Dept. Apply tr person ATTENTION R.N.'s.

Applications ore being ac -cepted for a full-time RN. on the 7-3 shift ot Jackson Park Convalescent 707 S. Jockson Park Incentive bonus ond good fringe benefits. ATTENTION SEYMOUR POSTAL JOBS Start hr. faanafits.

Forjrapplkation ond) info, call, 1-216-233-9079 7 a.m. ro TO p.m. 7 days ATTENTION SEYMOUR Postal Jobs $1 iostaftvplus benefits. Postal sor-: lets, clerks, maintenance For an application 8, exam Wor moton, call: 1 973647 1 5. ext.

P307- 8 jam 8 7 days. AVON REPRESENTATIVES average S8S14 hourly, selling ot work, home and moil. No up Iront money required! 18007424738 CLEANING PEOPLE needed lor new cleaning service. Good wages. Send resume ond saloiy Requirements to P.O.

Box 924, Seymour, IN. CNA'S NEEDED part time and weekend Apply Lutheran Community Home, 8 3, Mf. CONCESSION STAND worker and port time needed at. Elks Club: Coll 522-1 637 ask. for' Norcy EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES ovoilable 840 A Avenue Freeman, Field, lichter Rubber EXPERIENCED PAINTER seeking miscellaneous pointing jobs.

522 8439 FORTUNE 500 Company in Southern Indiana fs looking for qualified These opplicanls.should have served in a formalized 4 yr. apprenticeship or are fquolilied by 8 yrs verifioble reloted experience in the trade area of Tool 4 Die. Please, reply with detailed resume A wage requirements to Box T-3; Seymour Tribune. HOMEMAKERSCOMPANIONS needed for clients in Seymour ond surrounding areas. preparation, loundry, etc.

Must tea depend able, eating mdividup! with references. Apply in person to Visiting Nutses.Assockjlion of Jackson County, 1406 Tipton, Seymour. INI tOf MART, FAIROAKS Mai Coiumous. Now oc-ceptng oppteot ions lot part-time cashiers. A customer Also fuJ-lime ppsiiion.

for loss Control mo-a ger Benefits include: Flexible hours, competitive wages, opportunity for odvancement. We Apply in 1 p.m.-5 m. LEE'S INN Now occepting applications fpt nousdteeping posi-tions Apoy person MACHINE SHOP located in Columbus is seeking experienced machinists. Pbose send resume lo Box T-9, co Tr.bune. MAINTENANCE PERSON with slrong electrical background.

Minimum of 6 years' experience 'required. Send resume to Box 16, Seymour MANAGERASST. MANAGER Experienced in Restaurant duties ini dude record kitchen and grill man-'ogement. Send resume Box 171, Brownstown IN 47220 McDonalds of seymour Now hos openings for all shifts, and port lime. All houts, -Apply in person iri NEED EXTRA lor Bod 10 School aih2 Here a tun ond easy way Showing "Decor ortd More Own hours free $500 kit No collecting No Delivery 81 263 367otter.6 00 pm NOON TIME experienced waitress far Enchanted Mage Jeo Room, "Apply- Ht person: 523 1104 WOW WRING tool die CSfC iothe cfierofot Only experienced people opply Send resume lo P.O.

Box 4354, Scent- Hml "mNa 7 9rJI coc.soiod prep cools. Apply peison tttrockef PART-TIME telter position Apply of National City North Chestnut Seynxiuf PICKLE PICKERS. Coll 445 3442. POSTAL JOBS. 8, 392 $67, 1 25yr Now Hir ing: tall 1II HU5V62BUUO, txl.

1. RESIDENTIAL SUPERVISORS and aides Full time requires Port trme. available olso. Sey Brown -County -areas. Must mrtta'le strong organizational-skills ond flexibility.

Requires high school' otplomaGEO: -Must be ol least 2 years of oge Submit resume or apply person ot Uevelopmen- tol. Services, Sl. Columbus, IJSI. fcOt inalor a person with iome direct sales experience A -of bigh moral choiocer.

starter, highly motivated. gool.priented with a aesire to help people, A reliable car is necessory -II you ore willing to work 50.60 hours per week to leorno high income may be our It not, don t. opply oend resume to-box I); Seyrrfour Tribune SALES. REPRESENTATIVE finance ttainuJev7trr career oriented tnsuronce- Compony. Call, SEEKING CHEERFUL waitress fot part time even inns be ot least 21 years dd.

Apply ot Seymour Country Club, 24 p.m.. SEEKING ENERGETIC, motivated person experience preferred, but will tram. Apply tn person at The G-eose Pit. SMALL INDUSTRY neods driver Seymour. Re quires High School diploma or GED ond A CDl icense Contact Patty Bullmgton at Jackson Developmen' ial Inaus'ties, 820- tst-Avenue, freeman Field Sey mouf, IN EOt SOMEONE TO scrape and point home, rnexper 'enced or high school student CX.

$5hr. 522 308 SUMMIT TRUCK Wash occopting opcdicotions trtouriy wage plus bonus. Apply ir person, 2630 Tip Ion, Seymour UPGRAD TEMPORARY SERVICES L-r, hiring for.several factories in '-nAtf-t i Seymour, and Columbus Appkahons ore being accepted at: 900 WEST TIPTON STREET 522-5901 WANTED: EXPERIENCED cook for evenings Coll 5229416 osk WANTED! HOMEOWNERS! Kayak Pools is looking for demo home sites to display the new Kayak Pool. Save thousands of with this fantastic opportunity. Coll now WANTED: PIANISTvocolist or easy listening en Co, i WANTED: SERVICE Must hove tele phorskrlls: Khruling-ejrpwrenw Knowledge of automobile business, able to meet the public.

Male or lemole: Reply to Box Seymour Tribune WANTED Service Technician refrigerafion, air conditioning, testation! equipment 35 years' experience, pay on experience, year round work. Send resume to Indiana Technical Services -8443 E. County Road 1100N Seymour, IN 47274 WANTED SOMEONE to do yard work Coll-358 3428, leave message 1 WANTED TRACTOB CO license, local runs, paid Holidays, overtime pay pus uonuses. oena. resume to Box Seymour l-'-bune.

WAREHOUSEDEUVERY person needed Aoolv person ot the House, 1471 W- Tipton, Seymour WILL CLEAN offices-, cnurches. ond homes. Hove 358 3540 40-BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES INVESTOR NEEDED for invention lor floral indus try: Serious inquiries only. Respond lo Box T-29, Sey mour Tribune. 7- OPERATING BUSINESS Medora Owner too busy to Contract possible, take over payments Call 995 2100.

osk for Greg PHARAMCEUTICAL DISTRIBUTION Tremendous Demand 1 -800-858-3933 50 CH1LO CARE AFFORDABLE BABYSITTING. 523 8574. Call anytime. BABYSITTER NEEDED for newborn this your home in Seymour. Send wage requirements ond to Box T8, Seymour Tribune.

522-7691 Check-youradthefirstdAofoublication If i ing 523 522 497 and ond ond 1 BEDROOM oportmem. 500 E. 3rd Street op firjnces.lurnished. Col 523-IBII. BROWNSTOWN LTB oprjrtmenls, 600 High Ploce a now occepting oppficotKya lor our 2 3 bed-roam woilrng fat.

Oftice hours 84, 3582220. Equal -HowsiivjortuBity 1RONWOOD APARTMENTS. -Secluded, but close to town, located next lo beautiful Mutton Creek; Swimming Iwa or three bedrooms; 523-8424. JACKSON PARK APARTMENTS orrgmol linesr oportmenfs --j i and 2 bdrm. oportments CAU TODAYI 5222175 or visit our oftice -ot 1206 E.

Hillcresl O. OFTICE HOURS Monday thni Friday -9 mjtu 6 p.m. 1 LARGE NICE 2 bedroom, total electric, loundr'o-mol on grounds Close to elementary, 5224792. i LEXINGTON APTS. Under new ownership -V 2 and 3 BR units 4 -r- Townhouses Prrvole loundromof to shopping Watersewer pod 522-5900 MOIR'S HARMONY HOUSE APTS.

Catering lo Seniors Middboged Folks tttciency Rooms A comfortable home at a comlortoble orice: Refrigerator, slcrve, Vitchen sink cind rabmets, AC, Iher- mostot controlled electric baseboard heal, full both, all utilities paid S225 Bar manth Front porch and tcxrrxjVto visit with tenewlriends ii nuve. you Actoh from Senior Citizens cantor Downtown North Vernon For Information After 6:30 p.m; call Marilyn Moir 1-579-5030 REN BRET APARTMENTS Comer 4th N. O'Brien Convenient location weosy access to shopping 2 Bedrooms WDJHookup i Mini Blinds 522-1242 Beautiful 2 BR units wprrvote patio or balcony Quiet area; close to shopping Heat, water, sewer pard Washerdryer hookup inuiriieriune lovely landscaping Come See What You've Been Missmgl WESTWOOO, 522-5900 Across From High School 106-FOa RENT BUSINESS 30'xl 0C BLOCK building, has 2-200ami. has 2 overhead doors, hos 3 boys. Total electric, rent $750 monthly.

5229267 or 522-7B56 3 ROOM office suite E. Tioton 875 sa. ft. FAXCopierUPS service bvoitable. Plentv of Dorkino.

Availoble immediately. Coll 522-6707 for appointment. 4 ROOM suite, includes utilities. Ludwia Buildina. $375 per month.

COMMERCIAL BUILDING. 226 Chestnut St. full both. Coll 5222359, 5269449, 1-3426161. COMMERCIAL BUILDING on U.S.

31 (down from evergreen Room). S250 per month plus deposit Phone 522-2359, 526-9880. FIRST FLOOR office or retail. Downtown Seymour 3585704 a 522-5931 FOR RENT mini storoge stall. Call 523-8686 NICE CLEAN offices ond warehouse space avail oble.

521 4 B. OFFFCE warehouse spoce (600m far rent. Call 522 804. 108-FOR SALE BUSINESS A GREAT opportunity Noble Roman's Pizza available. Rochet Bailey, Coldwetl Banker ANGEL FOOD Cafe i Bakery available.

Rachel Bailey, Coldwell Banker, 5221 315522-5060. SMALL TQWN grocery ond gas stotion. New building, excellent potential. For information, coll Cheryl Stuckwisch, Coldwell Banker, 522 5060. IIS FOR SALE OR RENT MOBILE HOMES 1974 FLEETWOOD, 12x65, 3 bedroom, I 12 both.

Coll 522 24 2 3. 1984 CLAYTON 14x70, 3 bedroom, 1 12 bdlh, CA, electric he corpet, dedk with roof; large outbuilding. Asking $11,500. Coll 358-3473 after 4 p.m 1991 FAIRMONT for sole. Three bedroom, two baths; storoge building, -central air.

Extra NiceF Call' Coldwell Banker, 522-5060. 1991 FLEETWOOD, 14x70, 2 bedroom, 2 BA. deck, shed, total electric, lot 448, Villoge Green. Call 522-4011 or 5224899 $795 DOWN 3 bedroom, 2 both, $139 per month: First Come, First Serve. Call anytime, osk for Jim, 1-31748621 18.

"A LOT FOR YOU" WHY PAY RENT? Own your own lot for $82.24 per month. Coll Mike: office, 812 3465300 or home 812-2736439 GUARANTEED FINANCING AMERICAN HOMES FACTORY OUTLET SUMMER SALE Huge savings on oil single 4 sectional homes, 14x'0 deluxe 3 bedroom, ONIY $139.97. New homes set up on Choice lots at Village Green. AMERICAN HOMES (Next Holiday Inn) 522-1236 BURNSIDE MANUFACTURED HOMES U.S. HWY.

31 NORTH COLUMBUS, IN Your single A sectional homo headquarters. New 1994 homes arriving daily. 8 1 2-372-2335 or 1 -379-2336 FOR RENTl 2 bedroom mobile home with oir condition 358 3628 .1 FOR SALE 1967 House trailer, new $4500. 4973092. 5226700 FOR SALEl tmmoculaie 1J87 K.gsley U.l plus 7x24 hpout.

18' ceilmgs). 2 farge bedroorK larger well landscaped lot in Village Green. $24,900 i-A-r J. IKE MEWI ,1991 Fleetwood 14x70, bed iruums, i uuin, ajus rmui, lux uiiiiry putioing w.elec located in Vfage Green, $17,000. GI367.

Possible contract to qualrlied-. buyer. 1990 fleef wood 1 4x50 2 bedrooms, elec. heal wCA. 8x8 utility building! $9,800.

G-l 371 Call Greemarm Real Estate, Inc. 522-9235 For Further Details FORSALE Mobile home 2 bedrooms 9 hnth. new lumqee, new paper; and carpet. 793-2089. LOOKS LIKE new.

lots of room in this 3 bedroom 2 both home. New deck with own ma. sloraae buildina Musi see this 1987 Ctesltidge. $16,500. 522-7905: LOT 226.

Village Green. 1979 Frwmonl 14x70 3 bedrooms, CA, new deck ond canopy. 16'x8' job shop ond storage, burldmg, plenty of shade, $10,500. Call a 523-3287. itc v.u-r 1 central arr.

Call: Motifyn Johnson at ColaWU Banker. i tr i ru- j-juuu. Nsxing jva.waj.- MUST SELU 1 982 mobile home. 14x70. 3 bdrm.

I bA, tr, new. cornet, ronqerelriaerotor, CA 1-3778297 or f-7525882. NEW 1993 Clayton, 16x80, 3 bedroom, 2 both, dishwasher) CA, ceiling fan. Must Sell! Reduced Price! $19,500.. 1-372 7544; after 6 pm.

NEW HOMES AT BEAUTIFUL VILLAGE GREEN MOBILE HOME PARK Sat up and ready to move into. JUST BRING YOUR AMERICAN MANUFACTURED HOMES (Next To Holiday Inn) 522-123 S33S A up. No deposit required. 2 3 bedrooms Water, sewer appliances furnished and trash pickup For Sale, 1987 Rodman, total electric, 14x70, 2 $14,000. Contract Sales.

522-7856 WANTING TO trode our 1 992 mobile home. 2 bedroom, 2 both, garden tub master bedroom, CA, in Villoge Green, for on older home. 5236572 leave message. 118-FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD BROYHILL SECTIONAL with hidea-bed. 1 yi.

old. $700. life Stylei treadmill, I old, $300. Sears Kenmore washer ond dryer, 2 yrsold, $300. Call 523651 1 alter 4 p.m or leave message.

CHECK US out for quality factory direct bedding at affordable prices. Any size. Also and wolerbed accessories. Seymour Sleep Shop, 212, I. Second Si.

Phone 522-3275 120-fOR SALE SEYMOUR PROPERTY HOT WEATHER HOT MARKET List Nowl 522-4300 JUST INI 2651 S.C.Rd. I200E: 6 ocres lo kick up your heels willia 3 or 4 BR ranch, full bose, newcoir lurn del. garogel 828 RAYMON Dft.l You've found ill 3 BR, 1 12 bath, alumh. ranch on-toomy comer lot! Attach fenced yard, A-1 shape move in! $48,000 5.1240 Need more room? It's right here in this 20 oc. mini farm w3 BR brick, ranch, I'rv.

very clean) 2 butUdgs slocked look 308 BETHANY R0. 3 or 4 BR. I I 2 story on out skirls, lull base, nice lot, only $29,900 2 EXCELLENT LOTS at Country Squire: Coll Nowlcs OESTINO ST. Econo wash laundromall Be Your Own Boss. Reduced! $57,000 105 BRUCE ST.

Good business building with 3 BR opartmenl upstairs. Double lot! kxalibnj. Call! -308 E. WALNUT: CVILLE: 2 BR bung wliv din fulf oil. garage, yard, motivated! $21,500 618 W.

LAUREL! Nice 112 story, 2 or 3 BR on corner lot, liv, kit. Nice yard! 27,900 R3 SEYMOURI Brick ranch 1656 sq ft I 34 2 cotl. gar on 3.6 ac wsmall bke Reduced 734 EMERSON DR.t Duplex! Brick BR, gas heal, 2 cdetaeh garage Investors! $49,900 142 AC. FARM in Vernon Twp: 98 ac till Bal wooded, good producer! Coll now! Don't Wail. 222 S.

VINE: 2 home pockoge, 3 unit rental Coll for- $27,900. Good storler Vrvester. Coll now! 1118 E. 4TH ST.I Excellent locotion! 3 BR stone ranch, 2 cgar, on .7 acre lot. Call nowl Rl FREETOWN! 3 BR ranch wliv, kit, erect furn.

oh 4.95 ocres. Excellent country setting! $33,900 S8.77 AC. on Moore St. C-ville. A'l open ond nibble; good potentiol $73,500 Coll nowt 1 WOODED bldg.

lots 4 to 1 6 ac. each 6 mi east- Uniontown. Call lot info. $1 1.50O$30,000 V.O. 236: 89.14x70 BR, appl.

stay! $15,900 ROGER KILGAS REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEER! 522-4300 Paul Nay 523-1633 Doris Cooluoy 522-5887 Tom Williams 522-5936 Cor. of Poplar A U.S. 50 30 EMPLOYMENT CHRISTIAN MOM will babysit in my home. Call 522B455. DID YOU know that you care for more than 5 children, tndudina your owrif-o license a required? For inlormation.

call Division or Family Children 358 2421 or Seymour Area Day Core for a list ol licensed child core providers HUMPTY DUMPTY licensed day core has open mqs for day and evenings for aqes 1 5 oqe children, hease call 52-JoV tor intormatton. INFANT AND Toddler Care ot Wee Core Quality licensed home core. A Seymour Area Day Core Prog ram neose colt, jJ-OJob. KIDS KAROUSEL Child Core Centers Stale licensed for oqes 2 thru 10. Two convenient locations.

preschool activities, kindergarten program, before of- ter school programs, nutritious meals, trained start, dance classes, storyteller, bookmobile visits, A much more. Work without worrying, or mote Information call JIVSJ LITTLE ANGELS Day Care ministry Quality Christ- ion- Day Care, $45 first child with discount lot addr- tional children. Preschool available. Bookmobile visits Plonned octrvilies, lunch and 2 snacks 5227687, evenings 5226459 OPENINGS IN licensed day core home lor child ren 2 5 yoors old. MondayFridoy.

Doys Only Mutton ree area. 3 bj RESPONSIBLE MATURE person to care for new born, our home 5(J2JW WOULD LIKE to care for your child. Meals, snacks and plonned oclivil-es ColJ 522 70 1-. WOULD LIKE to babysit, day shift, references Corrmiskey, 523-2 1 89. 55 HOME HEALTH CARE EXPERIENCED HOME health aide looking for elderly person lo core for their home.

522-6893 NEEDED QUALIFIED live-in to core lor elderly aiaiysis woman, oenous inquiries only. 60-srruAnoNS wanted HOUSE CLEANING weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, special occasions. Experienced; pall 522-5821; SMALL YARDS Seymour lo mow. Adult Reli able 523-1288. 82-WAMTtD WISCLILANEOUS urwinmiuu'i ANIMUt Wanted to buy, old furniture, quills ond dishes.

105 Bruce Street. 5224602. 5227198 WANTED! STANDING limbertimberland. Call Mike Allen, 8129369375, leave a 90-INSTRUCTION BE A TOP PAID HAIRDRESSERI FREE INFO MEETING Featuring Jerry 4 Ann Webet SUNDAY; JULY 25th VVeber School of Hoir Design, Holiday Center, Col- umbu: I DANCE FACTORY Studio -boton, 5224494, 522 971. top, pzz, ballet or MUSIC.

Piano; boss, guitar lessons. 410 Mom, Brownstown. TAMMY'S DANCE Studio Seymour-Brownslown enrollment. 358 3210, 522-8810. 95-PETS AND HOBBIES 12 MILE north of Junction 31 A 50 Sandy's Grooming, Boarding, lAMs Pet Food.

522-6869 30 YEARS Experienced core. Professional groom-, ond boarding. Two locations. Route 2, Seymour' 523 3666, also pet supplies, 617 Second. 3688 ARKA KOABniMA f.n iiv- r.l:l Grooming Master Groomer.

Pet supplies ond. iongo-reu Susie s- Hall ol fet tote. 3653 AKC CHIHUAHUA ounnies Innn A hnrt hnlrorl remaie noo.viiie, blwhite, bllonwhiK r-n $T75, 3 342 AKC DALMATIAN puppies: 8 weeks old. Shots wormed. 5231256 AKC LAB puds, chocolate, velbwand blnrki Fvn hips guaranteed.

523 8663. AKC REGISTERED ChowChow ouooies hlndu blues, 8 weeks old, oil shols, $150. -294-124 8. AKC REGISTERED. 7 months, male Shehie need couni home.

358 35 1 2. AKC REGISTERED Corker WwJ 5225689 rr AKC REGISTERED BOSTON TERRIER PUPS 2 females, 1 male, i weeks old. Also, female 5 years old (vety well house broke) 1195 00each Phone 497-2804 After 5:00 p.m. AKC. TTt (-COLORED Basset Hounds, 6 weeks 25VJ, I25.

99521 17. ANIMAL WELFARE league of Seymour For mi'or motion coll 522 7695 or 358 2197, SALE' Scottsburg Pet Center. Including' Bon ers. roooies. r-0-4Ud I i nurinrunu n-y training: fuppy through odvance obedience, AKC competition, all levels ol protection training, trocking, Schutzhund, pttob-lem sowing ond behavior modifciation, private and group dosses.

In home training available, police K-9 training, narcotics, detection, puppy testing. Certified master trainer, professional handler anrj groomer Member of DVG. USA, WSF, GSCA arvJiUSRC. Elk- horn Kennels ond Training Center, Roger I. Beed, DOO GROOMING.

Pur no Pro Ran Dog Food. pet supplies. Approximately miles east ol Uniontown Knott's Roinbow Kennels, 1-8736319 FREE PUPPIES Collie mix. 8 lo choose from 5236086. FREE PUPPY to.

good home Enjoys attention 5229896 FREE PUPPIESI Call' 1-3465042, HUMANE SOCIETY of Jockson CounV for lost, sick, iniured cruefly. Call 5225200 TEDDY BEAR hamsters for Coll 5236085 100FOR RENT SEYMOUR PROPERTY 1 tEDROOM house for rent. Stove ond refrigerator furnished, CA, $300 monthly, $200 deport. Phone 522-1242 daily 8 o.m -6 prm 3 BEDROOM home, 652 Berkshire Ct, No pets 5227274 ONE BEDROOM duplex, total electric, water furn ished, $290monlh; 523 3461 MOVING TO SEYMOUR? We have a free Relocation Packoge town map, list ing of realtors, apis, phone for your use. Slop by NATFONAt CITY BANK, Main Office, 522-2 1 20.

10J-FOR KENT BROWNSTOWN PROPERTY SINGLE OR couple far river cabins. References needed. 3583837, 3583154 102-FOR RENT SUBURBAN PROPERTY NICE 3 bedroom country home available soon. ire- ploce, workshop, coble. Good references a must.

Reply, to Box T-15, Seymour 103-fOR SENT ROOMS, APTS I AND 2 bedroom oportments, all electric, near hospital 522-5991. 2 BEDROOM UDStairs aonrtmen. 4D1 ilik Street, WD hookup, kitchen ODolio'nces wntor A sewer hrrnished, no pets. $400 monthly, $200deposH 522-1194. 1 BR $459 1 BR $340 -Plus Electric Available Now FOXTON APTS.

523-3590 1. 4th Street, stove, tefrigerotor, dishwasher, washerdryer hookup, mini blinds. Water and sewer furnished, $400 monthly. $200 deposit. 5226831 APARTMENT FOR rent on 4th St.

Washerdryer iraokup, refroerotor, stove dishwasher furnished $400 monthly. Water i sewer. $200 deposit. 5226831. Attractive, fumv nice La roe living room, one bdrm, kitchen ft bar Control hoot, air, carpeted Electric stove, refrigerator, garbage disposal Water and sow oge Must be seen to appreciate Call 487, day or evening Jackson streets CLASSIFIED INFORMATION 522-4871 89 FA)C (812) TOLL FREE 1-800-800-8212 MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 8 A.M.-5 P.M.; SAT.

8 A.M.-12 NOON SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE, 1215 E. TIPTON ST, P.O. BOX 447, SEYMOUR, IN 47274 ADS ARE PRICED AT CASH RATES PER DAY, USE MASTERCARD OR VISA FOR ADS IN OUR PRE-PAY CATEGORIES (child care, situations wanted, business opportunities, rummage sales) TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD: ERRORS: If you are listed in the current phone directory most ads may be placed by phone and a statement mailed the day Following the final run. If you pay within 10 days, you get the same reduction as though you had paid in advanceSome ads require prepayment. DEADLINE FOR PLACING AD: All ad copy must be received in our office 3EF0RE 4:00 p.m.

Monday through Fn-1: day. BEFORE a.m. on Saturday to appear in the next issue. Ads cannot appear i the same day they jire, placed. we have made a mar error it will be corrected the following day if yo.u call us BEFORE 9 a You will get one day extra without charge Ji ifeaS'-vt CANCELLATION OF ADS: You may cancel your ad at any time.

If you do not wish it to be published in the current issue, you must call NO LATER THAN 9 a.m. that day." We reserve the ngbt to properly -and edit all ads. We reserve the right -tC-accept or-feject-any PAPER DELIVERY PERSONS in the Seymour area The SEYMOUR TRIBUNE has a few open routes for both youth and adult carreries. If you would like to eam some extra money and are willing to work just an hour or -so in the afternoon, Check with us at 522-4871, for iiiiormation on tne lonowtfig routes: South Walnut Chestnut streets West Oak Laurel streets CLINICALCOORDINATOFL Quinco Behavioral Health Systems is a large rapidly growing entrepreneurial mental health organization looking for an energetic MSWloJoin pur teamTri Seymour; Indiana. We are looking for a clinical coordinator to provide case management services for 15 seriously mentally ill persons who reside in a "supervised group living home.

Quinco offers competitive salary, excellent benefits, and professional development. Our location allows easy access to Indianapolis, Louisville, and CincinnatirT-n: We will not knowingly accept advertising that violates state or federal laws or discriminates on the basis of sex, religion, race, natural origin or physical disability LOW-COST FAMILY CLASSIFIED ADS-SIZE UP TO 10 WORDS PER DAY South Poplar West Hillcrest Drive area Area between the Tribune Wal-mart North O'brien around the Middle School Downtown Businesses Stores 7 DAYS $1.27 i pertiay 12 DAYS 91 per day 15 DAYS 75 per day North Ewlng Broadway streets Give us a CALL at 522-487t and well, answer any questions you may have, and if interested, help set you' up with a route in your area! Prices above reflect a1 .00 cash reduction for prompt payment." Start your ad for 7 days at a low cost per day; Cancel when you get results pay orily for days your ad runs at rate earned. Use full description for fastest results. It pays to tell the whole story when extra words cost so little. Send resume to: Judy Lutes, Human Resource Manager P.O.

Box 620 Columbus, Indiana 47202 i.

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Views: 6314

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.