Danganronpa: Lapse by Cynthia (2025)

Well, I've been through this great novel and I want to say that it's just awesome! Thank you for making it possible! ^_^

For those who are deciding to install or not: install and pass, the game deserves it! You better not read on, as you might distort your impression.

Yes, the game is made on a simple engine ren`py and at first I was upset, because it immediately became clear that the same game mechanics and of course, graphics, such as in Danganronpa v3, will not. However, this was my first hypothesis before launching, and I was very surprised when in the first hour of play it was not confirmed! No, of course the same graphics were not, and all game mechanisms were either simplified or absent altogether, but - the game itself and how it was implemented in this engine is really striking in a positive way this word. Simple investigation mechanics and courts, the lack of voice acting, the sound in most of the game the same music as in the original parts of Danganronpa, the lack of video clips, simple in terms of implementation 2D art is more than compensated by, firstly, a really interesting story, secondly, a concise narration (no free times and other nonsense as in the original series), and thirdly, the setting itself! I also want to mention the new music I heard in this game, the selection of music from the original series, interesting differences in the storyline compared to the original. games (highlighted some of the details, which in my opinion, was not in the original), fLoAtInG-shaking letters (they really are perceived differently, I do not understand why this was not used in the original series), and of course, two bad endings, which are interestingly painted, and from which really poured emotions (not comparable to the humorous ending in the first original part of the series). In addition, I want to note the very design of the interface, the transitions from one chapter to another, the art, and most importantly - the very interest and emotion that the creator of the game evoked. All the other flaws, which could be caused by some inconsistency in the plot, short investigations and other things, really pale over how the idea itself was implemented and how it was perfectly realized on such an engine! And in the end, if anyone criticizes the volume that was in the original series and that here, guys, this is a fan game that is implemented for free, and that didn't have the same resources for implementation and developers as Spike Chunsoft. Also, there are really realized moments here that aren't in the original series (details like character signatures and others).

At the beginning of the game I didn't really like the content itself and the very simplicity of the first murder, the investigation, the trial. I liked the very details of the ending and how it was written, but the content of the ending itself, like many here, I didn't really like =D. No, certainly the ending itself is better than, for example, Makoto Shinkai's "Your Name." and compared to that, the ending of the game is perfectly well done and unfolded. Still, the question remains, "What happened to them next?" One user here wrote that the specifics of the Preservation Project and the outside world aren't important, what's important is that the ending makes you feel something. I agree with him in part, details on the project are not necessary, as well as to see, for example, visiting the "game graduates" Greenland and the corresponding pictures and narrative about it, but is the statement about the sufficiency of simply having a test of any feeling true? What if it is a tormented sense of understatement?

Of course, in such cases you can always say - this is the ending the author made, you just need to figure out your own version. But the problem is that whatever variants I made up, I still wouldn't consider it the true ending, because it is simply made up by me, in fact everything could be different...

In conclusion, I want to say that the simplicity of the details in the first chapter and the lack of a clear ending do not spoil the overall impression of the game. Again, the game is great and made me a ton of enjoyable experiences! Considering its non-commercial nature and excellent execution of the idea - the game deserves to be played.

English is not my native language, so I used a translator. If you don't understand something, write it in the comments, please :)

P.S - I think that the prototype of Ashley Westbridge is Applejack from My Little Pony: Equestria Girls. Furthermore, the very word Applejack flashed in the novella as referring to the heroine. Mythridate, if this is true, or it's just a reference to the MLP universe - please write if my guess is correct, I'm very curious about that =D

Danganronpa: Lapse by Cynthia (2025)
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